
Animation (UnityComponent)

Component to move an object based on a sequence.

Unity manual & tutorial

Summary of Physic Material in VCI

  • Keys available to use in Animation is Transform and BlendShape only.
  • In VCI, you can freely write logical controls using VCI script (Lua).
    It is not recommended to control logics through Animation. \\Because it is difficult to debug and figure out the cause of a problem when synchronization is not working.


Property Feature
Controller Animator controller to attach
Avatar Used to animate a humanoid model
Apply Root Motion When enabled, the model moves with the animation.
When disabled, the movement of the model is controlled by the script
Update Mode You can select the timing for the update of the Animator and the time scale to use
Culling Mode Culling mode for the animation

VCI examples

en/vci/component/unitycomponent/animation.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/29 19:19 by t-daihisa

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