Rigidbody is required to enable physical behavior of an object (drop by gravity, collision, etc.).
Property | Feature |
Use Gravity | When enabled, the object will be affected by the gravity and fall |
Is Kinematic | When enabled, the object will not be moved with physics engine. However, you can still move the object by controlling Transform directly.\\ |
Mass | Mass of the object (Kg) |
Drag | How much air resistance affects the object when moving from forces |
Angular Drag | How much air resistance affects the object when rotating from torque |
Interpolate | Not used in VCI. |
Collision Detection | Used to prevent fast moving objects from passing through other objects |
Constraints Freeze Position | Limits the movement. The object does not move in the checked axis |
Constraints Freeze Rotation | Limits the movement. The object does not rotate in the checked axis |
To freeze a VCI in the air, disable “Use Gravity” and enable “Is Kinematic”.