
Rigidbody (UnityComponent)

Rigidbody is required to enable physical behavior of an object (drop by gravity, collision, etc.).

Summary of Colliders in VCI


Property Feature
Use Gravity When enabled, the object will be affected by the gravity and fall
Is Kinematic When enabled, the object will not be moved with physics engine.
However, you can still move the object by controlling Transform directly.\\
Mass Mass of the object (Kg)
Drag How much air resistance affects the object when moving from forces
Angular Drag How much air resistance affects the object when rotating from torque
Interpolate Not used in VCI.
Collision Detection Used to prevent fast moving objects from passing through other objects
Constraints Freeze Position Limits the movement. The object does not move in the checked axis
Constraints Freeze Rotation Limits the movement. The object does not rotate in the checked axis

To freeze a VCI in the air, disable “Use Gravity” and enable “Is Kinematic”.


en/vci/component/unitycomponent/rigidbody.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/29 19:16 by t-daihisa

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