
Download & install Unity

There exist various versions of Unity as Unity is constantly evolving.
To manage various versions of Unities efficiently, you can use a tool called Unity Hub.
We recommend you to use UnityHub in addition to Unity itself.

How to download and install (Figure)

How to download and install (Text)

1. Go to https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download and click on [Download unity Hub].
2. Run UnityHubSetup.exe you just downloaded and install Unity Hub.
3. Launch UnityHub and open [Installs] from the top. Click on [Official Releases] from left side-bar. Select a version of Unity to install and click on [Download].
Note: Any 2018.x.xx version will work, as of June 2019. Select the latest version from 2018.x.xx versions.
4. Click on [Done] to add the selected version of Unity.

After the installation is completed, you can create a new project from [Projects] tab.

en/unity/download.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/30 16:01 by t-daihisa

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