Table of Contents

Video Player [Studio]

You can play videos from YouTube and niconico video within VirtualCast.
You can control the player with the context menu or laser pointer.

Basic Controls

Operation Behavior
Scale with both hands You can resize uniformly in XY directions. (The aspect ratio is fixed)
Grip Play/Stop
Laser pointer supported You can control the UI of the video player.

Controls available with the UI

Visibility / Lock

From the context menu Yes
Specification It is visible to viewers by default.
From the context menu Yes

Conditions for playable videos

How to use

  1. Copy the URL of a video you want to play. Then, in the context menu of the video player, select [Enter URL] > [Clipboard] to play the video.
  2. You can create a list of videos you want to play in the title screen > [Settings] > [Import] > [Media] > [Movie URL List]. You can select the video you want to watch from the context menu > [Enter URL] > [List].

Other specs.