Table of Contents

External Input Monitor [Studio]

You can display the video inputs from external sources, such as video capture board and webcams, in VR space.
When you join a room where an external input monitor exists, it displays the 0th video device on your computer in the state it is invisible from viewers.

This feature may cause unexpected exposure of webcam feed. If you are not planning to use the webcam on your pc, it is recommended to physically covering the camera with masking tape in addition to disabling the camera internally.

Basic Operation

* Displaying video from the front camera on a laptop.

Operation Behavior
Scale with both hands You can resize in XY directions. (The aspect ratio is fixed)
Grip None
Laser pointer supported Point at the upper-center to open-up chroma key settings

Visibility / Lock

Changeable from the context menu Yes
Spec. When other player joins, it displays the feed of the 0th video device connected to the computer of the joiner
Changeable from the context menu Yes
Changeable from the context menu Yes
Spec. 160×120, 320×240, 640×360, 1280×720, 1920×1080, etc.
* depends on the spec of the camera.
Frame rate
Changeable from the context menu Yes
Spec. 30fps, 60fps, etc.
* depends on the spec of the camera.
Changeable from the context menu Yes

Other specs.