Table of Contents

Effekseer (effect)

This is used to play effects in VCI.
For the details of how to use the component, refer to Effekseer (for VCI).

List of functions

For the latest list of the methods, refer to “types.lua” file in “EmbeddedScriptWorkspace” folder.

Function Description
EffectName Acquire the effect name as a string.
Play() Loop play the effect until it is stopped.
PlayOneShot() Play the effect once.
Stop() Stop the effect. It disappears gradually.
StopImmediate() Stop the effect.
The effect disappears instantaneously.
SetAllColor(color: Color) Change the color of the effect.
SetTargetLocation(targetLocation: Vector3) Specify the target location of the effect.
SetPause (paused: bool) Pause the effect at the specified timing.
SetShow (shown: bool) Switch between show/hide of the effect.
SetSpeed (speed: number) Change the speed of the effect.
The base speed is 1 and the speed can be specified with its multiple.
SetLoop (isLoop: bool) The effect will loop when set to true.
The default is the value set in Effekseer Emitter.

The methods with _ALL_ are synchronized and run on other clients as well.
If you want the result to be the same in all clients, use methods with _ALL_ prefix.

Method Description
_ALL_Play () Loop play the effect until it is stopped.
_ALL_PlayOneShot () Play the effect once.
_ALL_Stop () Stop the effect. It disappears gradually.
_ALL_StopImmediate () Stop the effect.
The effect disappears instantaneously.
_ALL_StopRoot ()
_ALL_SetAllColor (color: Color) Change the color of the effect.
_ALL_SetTargetLocation (targetLocation: Vector3) Specify the target location of the effect.
_ALL_SetPause (paused: bool) Pause the effect at the specified timing.
_ALL_SetShow (shown: bool) Switch between show/hide of the effect.
_ALL_SetSpeed (speed: number) Change the speed of the effect.
The base speed is 1 and the speed can be specified with its multiple.
_ALL_SetLoop (isLoop: bool) The effect will loop when set to true.
The default is the value set in Effekseer Emitter.

The basic how to use

  1. Attach an EffekseerEmitter component on a SubItem.
  2. Execute vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter(“SubItem”) or
    vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitters(“SubItem”) to store the effect from SubItem into a variable. For the argument, specify the name of the target gemeobject with string.
  3. Execute functions against the variable storing the effect to play, store and execute other actions.

*For the details on the component and how to set it up, refer to Effekseer (for VCI).


-- Specify the name of the GameObject with the effect attached to store the effect.
-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject named "Effect" in a variable "effect"
local effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("Effect")
-- Print the effect name
function onUse()
    -- Play the stored effect once

The result

(The effect is played once when the subitem is used)


Return value: string

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItem")
-- Print the name of the effect to play
print("Play the effect: ".._Effect.EffectName)
-- Start playing the effect

The result

Play the effect: Effect
(The effect stored in _Effect starts to play)


Argument: none

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItem")
function onUse()
    -- Start playing the effect when used
    print("Start playing the effect: ".._Effect.EffectName)
function onUnuse()
    -- Stop playing the effect when unused
    print("Stop playing the effect: ".._Effect.EffectName)

The result

(The effect starts to play when used)
(The effect stops playing when unused)


Argument: none

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItemLoop")
function onUse()
    -- Play the effect once  

The result

(The effect is played once)


Argument: none

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItem")
function onUse()
    -- Start playing the effect when used
    print("Start playing the effect: ".._Effect.EffectName)
function onUnuse()
    -- Stop playing the effect when unused
    print("Stop playing the effect: ".._Effect.EffectName)

The result

(The effect starts to play when used)
(The effect stops playing when unused)


Argument: none


The result



Argument: none


The result



1st argument: color (color)

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItem")
-- Start playing the effect
function onUse()
    -- Create a random color
    local color = Color.__new(math.random(0,100) * 0.01, math.random(0,100) * 0.01, math.random(0,100) * 0.01, 1)

The result

(The color of the effect changes randomly when used)
-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItem")
-- Start playing the effect
function onUse()
    -- Change the color of the effect to blue
function onUnuse()
    -- Change the color of the effect to red

The result

(The color of the effect changes to blue when used)
(The color of the effect changes to red when unused)


1st argument: targetLocation (Vector3)


The result



1st argument: paused (bool)

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItemLoop")
-- Start playing the effect
function onUse()
    -- Pause the effect
function onUnuse()
    -- Resume the effect

The result

(Spawn the item to play the effect)
(The effect pauses when used)
(The effect resumes when unused)


1st argument: shown (bool)

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItemLoop")
-- Start playing the effect
function onUse()
    -- Hide the effect
function onUnuse()
    -- Show the effect

The result

(Spawn the item to play the effect)
(When used, the effect will be hidden)
(When unused, the effect will be shown)

SetSpeed ()

1st argument: Speed(number)

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItem")
function onUse()
    -- Assign a random value between 1.0 and 3.0 into the speed
    local speed = 0.1 * math.random(10, 30)
    -- Change the play speed of the effect
    -- Play the effect only once

The result

(When used, play the effect once with a random speed between 1x and 3x)

SetLoop ()

1st argument: isLoop (bool)

-- Store the effect attached to the GameObject
local _Effect = vci.assets.GetEffekseerEmitter("EffectItem")
function onGrab()
    -- Set the effect to play in loop
    -- Start playing the effect
function onUse()
    -- Disable the loop play of the effect
    -- Start playing the effect

The result

(Grab will start the loop play of the effect)
(Use will play the effect only one and ends)