====== Marker [Studio] ====== With the marker, you can draw on a [[en:virtualcast:studio:item:whiteboard|whiteboard]].\\ The color and the thickness can be changed.\\ ---- ===== Basic Operation ===== {{:virtualcast:item:pen.png?direct&200|}} {{item_movie:item_markerpen.mp4|}} ^ Operation ^ Behavior ^ | Scale with both hands | Changes the thickness of the marker | | Grip | Changes the color.\\ Red => Green => Blue => Yellow => Purple => Light blue => Beige => Black => White => Red | | Other operations | By scrubbing a whiteboard with the marker's eraser side, you can erase the drawn line. | ==== Visibility / Lock ==== ^ Visibility ^^ | Changeable from the context menu | No | | Spec. | Visible from viewers. | ^ Lock ^^ | Changeable from the context menu | No | ---- ===== Other specs. ===== * You can use it even when you are joining studios hosted by other users