====== Reserving destination ======
You can reserve a destination studio from a browser.\\
The feature to reserve a room is under development.\\
By specifying a destination from the web, you can move to the specified studio without restarting VirtualCast.\\
To use the destination reserve feature, you must have connected account.\\
===== How to reserve =====
**1. Login to VirtualCast**\\
If you already have an account, access [[https://virtualcast.jp]] and login.\\
If you do not have an account, [[en:seed:account:make]].\\
{{ seed:account:make:image_17.png?direct&400|}}
**2. Login and click on the account icon.**
{{ virtualcast:room:web:destination_reservation_image02.png?direct&400|}}
**3. Click on the gear icon.**
{{ virtualcast:room:web:destination_reservation_image03.png?direct&400|}}
**4. On the Reserved destination field, enter the [[en/virtualcast/studio/studio_id |studio ID]] of the studio you want to visit and click [Save].**\\
The [[en:virtualcast:room:roomkey|room key]] for Room is planned to be developed in future.\\
{{ virtualcast:room:destination_reservation_image04.png?direct&400|}}
===== How to visit =====
**1. After reserving the destination, open the ring-menu and select [Studios].**
{{ virtualcast:room:web:destination_reservation_image05.png?direct&400|}}
**2. Select the ID you have specified.**\\
* [Specified Destination ID] doesn't appear on the ring-menu if you haven't specified a destination studio ID on the web or the title screen.\\
If you can't find the ID you entered, make sure that the destination studio ID is entered correctly.\\
{{ virtualcast:room:web:destination_reservation_image06.png?direct&400|}}
**3. Select [Set on Web] to visit there.**\\
{{ virtualcast:room:web:destination_reservation_image07.png?direct&400|}}