====== Item ======
This page explains how to use the items and how to create your own items.\\
Please check with the type of play as the use of items differs between [[en:virtualcast:studio | Studio]] and [[en:virtualcast:room | Room]].\\
There are two types of items: **preset items** and **custom items**.
===== Preset Items =====
Preset items are the default items in the VirtualCast.\\
==== Studio ====
⇒ [[en/virtualcast/studio/ringmenu/item]]
==== Room ====
⇒ [[https://blog.virtualcast.jp/blog/2021/07/new_preset_item_result/|Preset Item Contest(Japanese)]]
===== Custom Items =====
Custom items are freely available items submitted to [[https://virtualcast.jp/en/store | User Store]].
==== Use Public Items ====
You can use items published by other users.\\
⇒ [[en:seed:use]]\\
==== VCI ====
**Here is some information for those who want to use their own items in the VirtualCast.**
You can create your own item called [[en/vci/top|VCI]] for use in the VirtualCast.\\
⇒ [[en/vci/beginner]]\\
⇒ [[en:seed:upload]]\\
===== How to use Items =====
See [[en:virtualcast:controller:item_operation]] for basic operation of items.
* A studio can put out one of the same custom items.
* A room can put out some of the same custom items.
===== Context Menu =====
You can use the context menu to purchase items and set the volume for each item.\\
⇒ [[en/virtualcast/studio/contextmenu]]\\