====== Synchronizing the state of items ======
The position, rotation and scale of items are automatically synchronized by SubItem.
In this page, we will explain how to synchronize other elements, such as on/off of a switch or a counter.
As an example, we will switch the on/off state of a switch with onUse (pressing on the grip button while grabbing a SubItem).
When the switch is off, change the color of the material 0 to white, when on, change the color of the material 0 to red.
===== Method 1: use _ALL_ functions ======
Use _ALL_ functions to run commands on all users simultaneously.
isRed = false -- not local
function onUse()
isRed = not isRed -- flip the true, false
if isRed then
vci.assets._ALL_SetMaterialColorFromIndex(0, Color.__new(1, 0, 0, 1)) -- Red
vci.assets._ALL_SetMaterialColorFromIndex(0, Color.__new(1, 1, 1, 1)) -- white
It seems simple, but it doesn't work in the following situations
* The color doesn't change on the user who joined the room in the middle of the session.
* When another user grabbed the item and pressed the grip button (The variable holding the state of the color is in the original user; thus it won't be transferred with the ownership)
===== Method 2: Run the command on all users though Item Sync Variable =====
Use the [[en/vci/script/reference/exportstate|vci.state]].
if vci.assets.isMine then
-- Initialize with the item spawn, only in the user who spawned it
vci.state.Set('isRed', false) -- Initial value. `nil` is set if nothing is done to it
function onUse()
local isRed = vci.state.Get('isRed') -- Acquire true or false local
vci.state.Set('isRed', not isRed) -- Just change the state, not the actual color
function updateAll() -- Use updateAll because this needs to be run on every users.
local isRed = vci.state.Get('isRed') -- Acquire the state. The item sync variable will be the same in all users (synced) local
if isRed then
vci.assets.SetMaterialColorFromIndex(0, Color.__new(1, 0, 0, 1)) -- Red
vci.assets.SetMaterialColorFromIndex(0, Color.__new(1, 1, 1, 1)) -- white
===== Which method to use =====
* _ALL_ can be used for one-shot, one-way usages like playing a short sound.
* The item sync variable can be used for everything else