====== Play an animation on grip button press ====== > This article was written for "UniVCI-0.15." === Example data === https://virtualcast.jp/products/9bd2f446cc30815fd18fa7e66b7cd62e0b8dc43cb666d435e5474ab224888bfe To execute a process when the grip button is pressed, use "**onUse**". In this example, we will create a process that plays an animation\\ when the grip button is pressed against a certain "VCI SubItem".\\ 1. Create a new GameObject and create a Cube as its child.\\ \\ In this example, we named the GameObject "UseAnimation_VCI," but it can be anything really.\\ Let's name the Cube "**Cube**."\\ Specify Y-axis value of the Cube to 1 so that it doesn't go through the floor. 2. Attach an "**Animator**" component on the Cube,\\ Create an "**Animation**" and associate it with a state in the Animator.\\ Name the Animation file "**UseAnimationAction**".\\ * Refer to Unity manual for the details of manipulating an Animation.\\ [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.1/Documentation/Manual/animeditor-CreatingANewAnimationClip.html]] 3. Attach a "**VCI Object**" component on the GameObject,\\ and attach the "**VCI SubItem**" component on the Cube.\\ When doing this, "RigidBody" components are also attached automatically.\\ As the Cube won't be using gravity, turn off **Use Gravity** and turn on **Is Kinematic**. 4. On the VCI Object component in the GameObject, set the Scripts Size as **1**.\\ Enter "main.lua" in the Name and paste the script shown below. function onUse(use) if use == "Cube" then vci.assets._ALL_PlayAnimationFromName("UseAnimationAction", false) end end