====== Playing animations in VCI ======
This example VCI starts an animation when the grip button is pressed.
===== Embedding an animation in Unity =====
On the root object of VCI, add an
"Animation" or "Animator" component.\\
In this example, we use an "Animator".
Open the Animation window.\\
On the menu bar, select **[Window] > [Animation] > [Animation]**, OR press **Ctrl + 6**.
On the Animation window, click **Create** to create an animation clip.\\
You may create it in any place easy to find. For this example, we will create a folder called "Animation" and name the file as Anim1.anim.
Now you can edit the animation. For how to edit the animation, refer to [[en:glb:animation#Edit animation|Edit animation]].
===== Adding an animation =====
You can manage multiple animation in VCI.
To add a new animation, from the animation switch drop-down menu, click on **[Create New Clip]** to create a new animation file.
===== VCI script =====
You can play the animation by specifying the name of the animation created.
function onUse(use)
vci.assets._ALL_PlayAnimationFromName("Anim1", false) -- index:0, isLoop:false
You can also specify an animation from the Index of the animation (the order the animations are added).
function onUse(use)
vci.assets._ALL_PlayAnimationFromIndex(0, false) -- index:0, isLoop:false