====== StandardShader in VCI ====== ---- ===== Summary ===== Physics-based rendering\\ ---- ===== Configurable options ===== ==== Albedo ==== Albedo is the color of the material itself.\\ ==== Metallic ==== Set 1 for a metallic object, 0 for a non-metallic object. When set to 1, the surrounding environment is reflected clarity on the surface. When set to 0, the reflection will not be visible, and the color of the material itself (Albedo) will be rendered.\\ \\ __Portray metal and non-metal at the same time.__\\ With metallic objects, you might want to create a material that is partially covered by non-metals, such as rust or dust.\\ In such cases, you can portray the non-metallic part of the material by applying a mask to the Metallic.\\ ==== Smoothness ==== This is the smoothness of the surface.\\ When the surface is perfectly smooth (Smoothness value = 1), it reflects the light clearly like a mirror. When the smoothness value is lowered (thus, the surface is rough), the light ray hitting the surface will be scattered, making the reflection look clouded.\\ ==== Normal Map==== NormalMap is a texture with its RGB channels assigned to vectors that represent the direction that the light should bounce toward.\\ By using this, you can portray small bumps without using polygons. The portion that doesn't receive light will be rendered darker. \\ This is useful for portraying small and detailed bumps that are inefficient to render using polygons.\\ ==== Occlusion ==== The Occlusion here refers to the ambient occlusion (AO) map.\\ It specifies how dark a portion of an object that doesn't receive direct light should be. ==== Emission ==== Set this to an object that shines by its own light such as fluorescent light and neon tube.\\ Physics-based rendering in general renders shades by calculating how a light ray hitting a surface is reflected.\\ Therefore, you need to handle self-emitting objects such as a light bulb or fire in a special manner.\\ \\ ==== Limitations in VCI ==== * The height map and secondary map is unsupported\\ Even if they are specified, they will be ignored during the export process.\\ HeightMap\\ Detail \\ Secondary Maps \\ ---- ===== How to create physics based materials ===== You can download textures required to make materials from websites such as [[https://cc0textures.com/|cc0textures.com]], or you can create one using software like [[https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/9349/Substance_Painter__Designer__B2M_Bundle/?l=japanese|Substance]]. In this example, we will set up material using textures downloaded from [[https://cc0textures.com/|cc0textures.com]].\\ \\ The CC0 is an abbreviation for [[https://creativecommons.jp/licenses/|creative commons]], which is a license that allows royalty-free use.\\ ==== An example of metallic material ==== * Assign the color of the object itself to Albedo (_col) * If there is a metallic mask, apply it to Metallic (_met) * NormalMap=>(_nrm) * Occlusion=> ---- ==== An example of non-metallic material ==== * Assign the color of the object itself to Albedo (_col) * NormalMap=>(_nrm) * Occlusion=>