====== List of Unity components allowed in VCI ====== * Some components are controllable from VCI script (Lua). ===== RigidBody ===== ^ Property ^ Feature/Meaning^ | Use Gravity | When enabled, the gravity will affect this item, when disabled, the item will behave as if it's in the space | | Is Kinematic | When enabled, the physics will not be calculated for this object | [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/class-Rigidbody.html | Rigidbody]] is a component that enables physics engine.\\ For information on the synchronization of physics in VCI, refer to [[en:vci:component:sdk:subitem:owned| Relation between ownership and synchronization of SubItem]] ===== Collider ===== ^ Property ^ Feature/Meaning^ | Is Trigger | When enabled, physical contact detection will be disabled (pass-through) and the collider will be usable as a trigger for some process | [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/class-BoxCollider.html | Collider]] is a component mainly used for hit detection.\\ The Box, Capsule and Sphere colliders are supported as of now. **The MeshCollier is not supported. ** === Physic Material === [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/class-PhysicMaterial.html | Physic Material]] is used to give an object physical property like impact and friction. (like bounce when hit)\\ Use this when you want the object to bounce when hit.\\ If this is set on a Collider, it will be included in exported VCI. ===== Joint ===== [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/class-HingeJoint.html | Joint]] will group Rigidbodies, make them behave as if they are connected with each other. ^ Allowed joints ^ Feature ^ | [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/class-HingeJoint.html | Hinge Joint]] | Behave as if objects are connected with a hinge. | | [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/class-SpringJoint.html | Spring Joint]] | Behave as if objects are connected with a spring | | [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/class-FixedJoint.html | Fixed Joint]] | Retain relative position of objects (Implement a parent-child relation through physics) | ** Following parameters are not supported (as of v0.16)**\\ * HingeJoint.Motor * BreakForce * BreakTorque ===== Animation ===== [[https://docs.unity3d.com/2018.3/Documentation/Manual/AnimationClips.html | Animation]] changes registered key-parameter pairs on timeline.\\ However, the type of animations available in VCI is transform and blendshape only,\\ therefore, **its main usage will be just for movement.**\\ You cannot control components through animation. To control components, use VCI script (Lua) instead.\\ \\ For instruction on how to export the animation, refer to\\ [[en:glb:animation | UniGLTF animation]]. ===== Audio ===== * Clips in AudioSource components that are in GameObjects under VCIObject will be exported with VCI file * Export of AudioSource parameters is currently not supported * All file formats supported by Unity can be used * The audio will be saved as Wav file in VCI * If the AudioClip is wav, the data in the wav file will be written in VCI without conversion * If the AudioClip is in other formats (like mp3), the AudioClip will be converted into wav * Supported wav files are as follows: * 44100Hz 8Bit 1ch * 44100Hz 8Bit 2ch * 44100Hz 16Bit 1ch * 44100Hz 16Bit 2ch * 44100Hz 24Bit 1ch * 44100Hz 24Bit 2ch * 48000Hz 8Bit 1ch * 48000Hz 8Bit 2ch * 48000Hz 16Bit 1ch * 48000Hz 16Bit 2ch * 48000Hz 24Bit 1ch * 48000Hz 24Bit 2ch