~~NOTOC~~ ====== Use Existing Assets ====== [[en:virtualcast:character]]・[[en:virtualcast/item]]・[[en:virtualcast:location]]=**"Asset"**\\ You don't necessarily have to create **Asset** by yourself as you can use existing **Asset**.\\ This page describes how to import assets to VirtualCast. ===== Find and import available assets ===== **1. Login to VirtualCast**\\ If you already have an account, access [[https://virtualcast.jp]] and login.\\ If you do not have an account, [[en:seed:account:make]].\\ {{ seed:account:make:image_17.png?direct&400|}} **2. Go to [[https://virtualcast.jp/en/store| User Store]] and select the assets you wish to use.** {{:seed:cimage_9_.jpg?direct&400|}} **3. Click [Buy] at the bottom of the page. **\\ If the item is free, you will get it for free. {{:seed:cimage_7_.jpg?direct&400|}} ===== For use with VirtualCast ===== **1. Launch VirtualCast and connect with account.**\\ [[en:seed:use:virtualcast]] **2. You can use the assets in the VirtualCast.**\\ Please confirm that you have been added to the list.