====== Upload an Assets ======
You can bring your **Asset** into VirtualCast. \\
This page describes how to upload assets to VirtualCast.
===== Upload =====
Prepare VRM/VCI/GLB files.
**1. Login to VirtualCast**\\
If you already have an account, access [[https://virtualcast.jp]] and login.\\
If you do not have an account, [[en:seed:account:make]].\\
{{ seed:account:make:image_17.png?direct&300|}}
**2. Go to [[https://virtualcast.jp/en/upload | Upload]].**\\
Drag & drop the (VCI/GLB) and click on [Upload].
**3. You will be redirected to the Edit Asset Information page.**\\
===== For use with VirtualCast =====
**1. Launch VirtualCast and connect account.**\\
**2. You can use the assets in the VirtualCast.**\\
Please confirm that you have been added to the list.